
Dear R,

Today you are 10 years old. I want you to know how privileged I feel to spend this day with you. I don't know how our story will end, but I know a lot of prayers have been answered simply by you being a part of my life now.
There is a piece of my heart that aches in knowing that your mom and dad won't see you today- but it aches more because I know there's no one you'd rather see today than them. Please know that Zak and I will do our best to make this birthday special. Because you are so special to us, we don't take for granted the blessing we've been granted in caring for you. You busted into our lives, and wrecked them. We would do absolutely anything for you. I hope you know that the next ten years of your life don't have to reflect the past ten. You have the opportunity to decide how your story is going to play out. Please hold on to the love of life you have, I pray more than anything that you keep that goofy little smile of yours, and even (Lord help me) the sassy spirit you spew out into the world. My life is better because I know you.
I wish I had been at your last nine birthday parties- I hate that I've missed so much of you life, but I'm so thankful to be a small part of your story.

Happy Birthday "my" sweet girl.
I love you with all of my heart.


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