playing catch up.

I realize it's been over 2 months since I've posted and I'm sorry! I've fallen down on my blogging duties!

Let's play a little catch up to get you all up to speed.
  • We announced we were expecting a baby on Thanksgiving day, since then life has pretty much not slowed down. I'm sure once she's here time will seem to fly by even faster.
  • We lost Zak's sweet Nan at the beginning on January, but are so grateful that she lived long enough to know we were going to have a baby. She was thrilled, and her presence will be greatly missed.
Seriously though, wasn't she just about the cutest thing.
  • Zak and I found out that our sweet baby is a GIRL!! Lennox Louise Lowry will arrive in June, and we are counting down the days. 90% of our conversations revolve around her, she is so well loved by so many of you and we couldn't be more thankful.
    also- mad props to my husband for talking me into to a gender reveal via volcano. It was seriously so creative, and I'm glad he insisted that we do it.

    Life has been crazy busy in the past few months. But we are so excited about all the changes. I'm really starting to show now, and feeling Lennox move more and more every day. It's honestly the coolest experience of my life. Thank you for keeping up with us, and for sending so many words of encouragement. I can't tell you how much it means to know that so many of you are praying for our sweet girl.


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