my first mothers day

This Sunday will be my first Mother's Day since my miscarriage, and I'm not really sure what to do with that.
In my heart I'm a momma, and can't wait to one day meet Riley in Heaven.
But on Earth my arms are empty, at least for the time being.
There have been a few days that have stung a little more than most: Christmas, Riley's due date, and now Mother's Day.
Don't get me wrong, I love Mother's Day. I have a wonderful momma who deserves to be recognized more than once a year.
But this year my attitude towards this day is different. My heart stings a little in knowing that Riley should be here, my soul longs for our baby to be here.
So Sunday will come and pass like all the other days since I lost our baby.

I read a blog the other day that really struck me to my core. It was beautiful and captured what I wanted to say better than I could have.

"God is so faithful and He answers prayers in the most beautiful ways. Ways we would never imagine, but always better than our greatest dreams. Although I know this to be true, on this day for you, it feels so far away. And every commercial, every present, every lunch, every barren second of this day, holds the reminder that you are not a mother...yet."

Even now I feel God at work protecting my heart. Whispering softly to wait patiently on Him. That His ways are far above anything I can imagine. I often sit and wonder about what He has in mind for my family.
I've caught myself daydreaming about it more than usual this week.
And I'm trying my best to wait, to faithfully seek God instead of sadness. Because I know there will come a Mother's Day when I'm surrounded by my children.
Whether those children come biologically, through adoption, or both ways.
Man oh man I wish that day were here.

I've been really blessed lately by those of you who continuously reach out to me to let me know you're praying for me. I want you to know that I can feel those prayers. I'm thankful for each and every one of you more than you could ever know.
I know Mother's Day would be much more difficult if I didn't have you ladies in my corner.
You richly bless my life.

Over the past week and a half a lot of doors we thought were closed have opened up all at once. And it seems as if we've walked through them with ease.
While I can't go into details yet, I wanted to let y'all know that exciting things are on the horizon for The Life of a Lowry.
It could be a very busy, stressful, yet incredibly rewarding year for us.
***no, I'm not pregnant.- I promise I will have a more creative way to announce it :)

Again, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words. I know I will have an army of incredible people to love on our kids.

Stay tuned!



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