mothers day eve

Dear Waiting Mama,

Tomorrow you will wake up and it will seem like your heart could burst in two at any moment. You will see post after post about motherhood, and you will feel how barren your womb is.
You will put on a brave face, go about your day and act as if nothing is wrong. But I want you to know it's okay to hurt over this.
The days, weeks, months or years you have spent waiting to become a mama matter. They are significant. Each negative pregnancy test, doctors appointment, miscarriage, or loss has stuck with you. They have etched themselves into the deepest parts of you.
You are not alone, even though you feel as if you are.
This will be my second mothers day to celebrate with Lennox. Two whole years of loving, savoring, and praying through every moment of this motherhood gig. Now this day means more to me than I can put into words, but your grief is not lost on me.
I remember the first mothers day after we lost our first baby in 2014. My heart was shattered, and the day only continued to remind me of what I could never forget: I had no baby to hold in my arms, to the world I was no one's mother.
I wish someone would have told me then what it's taken me four years to fully learn and understand: having a baby to hold does not make you a mother.
I was as much as a mom then as I am now. The only difference is I get to mother Lennox on this side of Heaven.
So just hold on. Your day will come. And it may not look how you want it to, but it will be the very best version of motherhood for you.

If I could wrap you up in a hug I would. Hang in there. Your story matters, share it.


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