Spring doesn't happen all at once

A year ago I was a worried mess over Lennox being able to stand on her own or walk. For those of you who don't know, or have plum forgotten, let me take a second to remind you.

Lennox was breech basically my entire last trimester. She had lodged herself into a "comfortable" position and just didn't feel the need to move, so she didn't.
Because of that she was born via C-section on May 30, 2016. Weeks before her initial due date. She was a perfect bundle of 7 lbs 7 oz, and I had never been so in love. But her poor little hips were worrisome to our doctors because of how long she had stayed in her breeched positioning.

As Lennox grew she blew past most milestones, but was slow when it came to crawling and walking. Looking back now, I should have known she'd move when she was good and ready to because that is just typical Lennox fashion. The girl has marched to the beat of her own drum even before she was born, and its one of the things I love most about her. But hindsight is 50-50 and so I worried, because she didn't want to put any weight on her legs. Even if you were helping to hold her and try to stand her up, she'd simply lift her legs.

So we started therapy. We worked with her at home, and wouldn't you know the girl started to scoot and crawl all over the place. So much so that I began to question my sanity in actually wanting her to move because she hasn't slowed down since.
But. she still didn't want to put pressure on her legs to stand. I'd stay awake at night wondering if there was more I could do.
I would cry and pray, and beg and plead. I wanted the world for her. I still do.

Then one day, exactly a year ago to be precise, the girl just decided she was ready. She stood, assisted, but she did it.
Now this little girl runs and jumps, climbs and dances. There's nothing she's afraid to try. She loves life and lives it fully. But those are things you just can't see when you are knee deep in worrying if there is something wrong with your child.
Today my devotional was perfect for the celebration of my girl standing for the first time.
"I felt God say to me in the still small places of my heart, "my girl, that's how it is sometimes. After a long winter, spring doesn't just happen all at once. It happens one flower at a time, I make all things beautiful, one flower at a time"- Melanie Shankle, Everyday Holy

And that's what God has taught me through mothering Lennox. He's going to show up, and often times its in these "small" ways, by doing one thing at a time. One thing that will spiral into another and produce more than you can imagine. Now as I watch my baby grow, I wonder what all she'll do in her life. I know full well that God has started a good work in her, and He will be faithful to finish it. He makes all things beautiful, one small stance at a time.


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