quick update

hello friends :)

I just wanted to drop by and give you all a quick recap of what's been going on in the life of a lowry over the past month or so.

- we are still remodeling our house. yes, you read that right. we still haven't moved in but i know the day is getting closer and closer. in fact- we're hoping to be in at least our master suite by next week (fingers crossed)
-even though we aren't living in our house yet, we are so thankful for how the Lord has provided for us. every time I pull in the driveway and stare out at our land I'm overcome with thankfulness. God is good. to Him be the glory.
-for those of you who have asked about our 3 precious "little's"- i just want to clear a few things up.
they don't currently live with us full time, in fact we still aren't sure if adoption is even a possibility with them. though we are hopeful. i wish i could share their sweet faces with you, and maybe one day soon i can. thank you for loving them already- i never get tired of friends asking me about them, so please know that you are always welcome to :)
-our pups are still the cutest, just in case you were worried.
-zak and i are still hoping to have a baby of our own, so please know that when and if we get pregnant again i will share the news with you when we decide it's best. (and no, i'm not currently pregnant.)
-i've officially been at cbc for an entire year. it honestly flew by. i never doubt that this is where i am meant to be, i never question that the Lord has placed me here for a specific purpose. one of the biggest joys of my life is meeting college aged women and pouring into their lives. i can't wait to dig deeper into that passion.

finally i wanted to say thank you- my blog has officially been viewed by over 25,000 people. when i started writing i had no idea the direction this blog would take, and i thought i would be lucky to have 2 readers- y'all have far surpassed my expectations. i am so grateful.

keep checking back, with work calming down and renovations getting closer and closer to completion i'm going to have much more time to write.
i promise there is a post coming in the next few days that's more than just a quick recap.



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