here we go again

I could possibly be the most irresponsible blogger there ever was. I have started, stopped, rebranded, renamed, and completely revamped my blog so many times that if I had any followers (of which I'm sure I don't) they'd be long gone by now, and annoyed they ever got caught up in my crazy thought process. But alas, here I am again...taking on another blog at a time in my life where I have so many aspirations, but very little actually figured out. I am what I like to call a "hot mess" on most days and I'm the queen of rapid fire questions. I am flawed, and loud, and sometimes dramatic (don't tell my husband I admitted that one, I'll go to my grave disputing that fact), I am perfectly imperfect. In fact, I am as imperfect as they come. I am a world class mess maker, an active dreamer, and I wish I could save every single person I know from ever having to experience pain. But I'm just me, and because of that fact I'm far from the perfection I seek. I was super inspired to brush up on my blogging skills while reading the "Big Mama" blog, stop what you're doing right now...or directly after reading my blog of course, and go check out that one! She's literally everything I want to be in a writer. She's interesting and compassionate, she laughs at herself and more importantly makes you laugh too. I've noticed that's harder to do than most people would think. I often tell people I want to be like them when I grow up, and for the most part when I say that I mean it...but for real, y'all- when I grow up I want to be as beautiful a writer as Melanie Shankle. She's written a few books as well, and they are as delightful as her blog. Anyways, this first blog post doesn't have much to do with anything just a few thoughts bouncing around in my head. So grab a snack, kick up your feet, and join me as I occasionally give my view of the world- or at least the view I have through my southern eyes. this should be fun. xoxo, Meagan


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