How a post grad fights through finals week

As soon as this ^ day ended I officially became someone who doesn't cringe when they hear the words "finals week". I can now look back fondly on all the late nights, absurd amounts of caffeine my poor body had to endure, and papers they may have rambled for a good 2-3 pages. I do however, use the word fondly fairly lightly because lets be real- the people that you suffered through with are the real reason we look back on these times at all.
There's no doubt that these 4 girls played a tremendous role in helping me remember that pulling all nighters can be fun! By the looks of these photo's I know you're all thinking that it looks like we mainly majored in receiving our MRS degree BUT I'm happy to report that Meagan has her Associates, I have my Bachelors,  Demi and Jessie will both be graduating this week, and Kayla is close to graduation too! And even if we hadn't accomplished such incredible academic success, we all rocked our wedding dresses- so at least we had that going for us.
Last night I celebrated finals week by going to bed at 8:20- this isn't a joke. when the grandma life chooses you, you answer or you get rolled over by the power scooter.
I gladly accepted the grandma life offer, and I think it fits me well. now if only I could retire, draw social security, and hang out with babies every day I'd be set!
even though I've graduated and finals week isn't something I participate in for a grade, its still something that's very much a part of my life. I guess I loved the college scene so much that I decided 5 years as a student just really wasn't enough. So now I proudly work for Central Baptist College, and finals week is upon us. My contribution to finals week this year will be serving pizza to students tonight from 9 to about 10. which in grandma life is equivalent to pulling an all nighter. I also make no promises that large amounts of caffeine will be safe once my alarm goes off tomorrow morning. so if you're a student and wondering how you'll make it through this week still in one piece my advice for you is this- enjoy every second of this crazy, hectic week. next semester do a little more studying leading up to finals, and seriously take a thousand pictures while your hairs a mess and the desk/bed is littered with every single page of notes you took over the semester. College goes by fast, but if you do it right the friends that are by your side now will still be there when its over.
shout out to:
  •  Meagan Cofer for keeping me sane (or as sane as I could possibly be.)
  • Demi Rose for blowing off those extra hours of studying to actually make some memories (aka Target runs)
  • Jessie Hogan- you may be my new hero. finals week and pregnancy, dang girl. you can do it all
  • And finally Kayla Chitty- you had the "privilege" of living with me during the most pivotal year of my life, and I love you for it.


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