take a walk with me

Dear Waiting Mama,

I see you.

I know how anxious you are to meet your "baby". I know how your heart longs to know their name and see their face. To hold their hand, and mend their broken hearts. Please know the day will come, and it will be far more than you can imagine.
Please don't worry, I'm with them. Don't allow fear to steal the joy that comes with knowing them. Know that I'm preparing you, even now, for the kingdom work you'll do on my behalf.

Let's take a walk, and spend some time together. I promise I can calm your anxious heart. I can take everything your nervous about, and give you incredible peace. Trust me enough to take it.

I know how you long to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hear the sound of tiny voices calling out for you, and listen to little bitty footsteps running down the hall. You'll have all of that. It will come, be patient and wait on me.

I knew this child long before I placed the desire on your heart to find them. I knew they'd grow in another woman's belly, but that I would place them in your arms. I promise that I'm looking out for them, even when it seems like no one is. I've got this.

Remember to love your husband well. I know how badly you both want children, but keep in mind that he came first. Make time for him, because he was there before and he will be there long after. Your relationship is a beautiful example of the gospel, always remember that when you seek me first, and your husband second everything else will fall into place.

There will come a day when you won't remember what life without kids was like, so enjoy these moments with your husband. Life will never be the same. Your days will be filled with work and homework and bath time, savor the time I've given you. Don't take it for granted.

Please know that you are enough- I promise that you can do this, and when you can't- I can. Seek me daily. I will give you just enough strength to make it through each moment.

I hear your prayers, and know your heart. I'm shaping your family, allow me to do so. I know it's hard to wait- but trust that my time is best. I haven't failed you before, and I never will.

You make me so incredibly proud, daughter. You are working so hard, and it doesn't go unnoticed. Take time to relax, celebrate each victory- there will come days when they seem few and far between. Don't lose heart.

Let's take a walk.

When you can't walk, I'll carry you.


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