whichever one fits..

As of Monday night, Zak and I have officially finished our home studies. Now all that stands between us and our forever is waiting for some paperwork to be keyed in. It's slowly sinking in that all our long nights of praying for our special little, who grew in our hearts instead of my belly, are about to come to fruition. It's hard to wrap my mind around that.
I can't tell you how many hours I've spent wondering what our forever would be like. And now I'm closer than ever to knowing. This process has taught me so much. Not only about what it means to be a foster/adoptive parent, but what it means to be a child of Christ. I don't think a thank you is enough when it comes to all the family and friends that have come along side of us to cheer us on, send us a encouraging word, or literally fill our house with toddler beds, toys, and books. But I hope each of you know how thankful we truly are. I can't imagine what it would look like to go through this without the tremendous support each of you have given us.
As I made the graphic I realized that pretty soon, tiny little shoes will be a big part of our life. I can't wait to know everything about them.

I know it's been a few days since I've posted, and I know I posted asking for prayer without giving many details, but sometimes you just have to have someone in your corner praying for you despite the fact that they don't know exactly what they are praying for.

For those of you who asked: no, I'm not pregnant.
I wish I were, but it's not my time yet.
I also wish I could write that last sentence fully believing that my time will come, but I can't. Just know that I am dealing with some difficulties, and that I appreciate each time you get on your knees and pray on my behalf.

Whether I meet our first forever through a positive pregnancy test, or through DHS- I fully believe God intended me to be a mom. I don't care if those babies grew in my belly or in my heart. 

Thank you for faithfully following my blog- I love every bit of what I've been able to create!

more to come 


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