perfectly imperfect

Not too long ago a friend posted on facebook about being tired of people pretending to have these perfect lives, and you know what- for a minute I totally saw where she was coming from. It's hard to compete with social media's view of our lives. They are filtered snap shots, set to look a certain way. Life isn't always as good as we make it seem.
But then I got to thinking- I post things on social media that may cause others to think that I pretend to have it all together, when in reality I don't. None of us do. You could be the world's best planner, organizer, or patient person and there's still going to come a day when you slip. There are days that are so less than perfect.

But that's life. It isn't perfect- God never said it would be. There are these moments in life that come pretty close to perfection though, and maybe its not the circumstances that make them perfect but the lens in which we view them through.

Last night, my house was a mess- dinner wasn't on time, and I stayed in my pj's all day long at home sick. I wasn't all put together, in all honesty I hadn't even brushed my hair that day.
But Zak walked in the back door with flowers in his hands. Not because our marriage or home were in perfect condition- but because he loves me enough to give me those glimpses of perfection.
  Most days I miss those moments, because I'm too busy dwelling on every imperfect detail- but yesterday I reveled in the fact that our love is imperfectly perfect.
Zak met me where I was in my sadness, and unkempt hair and showed me grace.

 I want you to know that I don't have it all together.
I'm not a perfect person.
I don't have a love story that most people would gush over.
There are days I lose it.
There are days I raise my voice at Zak, and blame him for my short comings.
There are days I raise my voice at God, and blame Him for my short comings, too.
I laugh, and love fiercely.
I'm always all in.
I'm a mess, and have broken pieces.
My home is never 100% clean- sorry, but we live there!
I'm not always the most encouraging sister
I'm far from a perfect daughter, sorry for all the years of back sass mom.
and I know I won't be a perfect mother.

BUT I'm challenging myself to live in those moments that come close to perfection- they are different for everyone, but they are wonderful and rare.


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