food friday
If you're as perceptive as I am , you probably didn't notice that this is not a "fashion friday" like you've come to expect from me.
Instead I felt led to ask you all for your help!
The DCFS offices here in Conway are low on food- why does this matter?
This matters because in most cases this is the first place a child stops after being removed from their home. They are scared, and confused.
Here's where you come in- kids love snacks, so I'm asking if you can ( you don't have to live locally to help) would you consider buying a few extra treats the next time you're at the grocery store?
Here is what I suggest:
They are also in need of juice boxes.
If you can donate, and don't have time to take them to DCFS directly I would be more than happy to drop them off for you!
If you live out of state and would like to help my email address is
if you would like to send a card to walmart or kroger I would be more than happy to purchase snacks in your name!
Thanks so much for all your help!
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